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What America’s youth listen to 

All American teenagers identify with music. And it’s cool that we have the opportunity to see our favorite bands live. Tickets to concerts sell out very quickly. It can be a popular artist or even a small concert by a local band. We love music and are willing to spend all our money on such events. That’s why we have festivals where several musicians are invited at once. It’s a cool event where you can make new friends.

The popular music genres are rock, alternative rock, some jazz, and indie music. Pop music is still the market leader, but there are a lot of underground styles. So on our playlist next to Drake, you will find the Beatles, and after Kendrick Lamar, you will find Frank Sinatra.

Among popular artists, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Chris Brown, Sam Smith, and the now popular Jonas Brothers are preferred.

It is also fashionable among teenagers to listen to old songs that our parents once loved. But at the same time Nicki Minaj and Cardi B, Ariana Grande, and Billy Eilish’s tracks are popular – you never get tired of them.

Learn more about the genres of music young people listen to

If we divide music into genres, modern critics divide music genres into three streams – rock, rap, and pop.

  • Pop is contemporary music that is very popular. The term covers many genres such as trance, disco, house, funk, techno, new wave, etc.
  • Disco. A popular genre of dance music. Refers to many effects, the main role is played by drums and bass.
  • Trance. Refers to the genre of electro music, characterized by high emotional pressure on the listener. It uses “space”, sad melodies.
  • House. This is completely electro-dance music. The main instrument is a synthesizer. Characterized by the presence of looped solo melodies and musical phrases.
  • Techno. The “futuristic” music of the big city. Characterized by fantastic melodies, “cold” vocals, metal sound with tones of gloom.
  • Funk. The dance genre is characterized by the prevalence of drums and careless rhythm.
  • New Wave. A genre of music that evolved from punk rock and uses the same musical techniques.
  • Rock has its roots in the American blues, which was formed in the 20s-30s. The emergence of movements such as rock and rock ‘n’ roll is associated with artists such as Elvis Presley and the Beatles. Presley became a kind of distributor, a popularizer, and the Beatles turned rock music into an art form.
  • Rock consists of many sub-genres, including hard rock, soft rock, folk-rock, and pop-rock. psychedelic rock, punk rock, thrash, and heavy metal.
  • Hard rock. Literally, heavy. The heaviness is achieved by the sound of a powerful rhythm section, which dominates the other instruments. Often the drums, rhythm guitar, or bass become more “heavy.”
  • Pop Rock. Translated as “popular” rock. It is distinguished by a good balance of instruments, the use of popular “promotes” and various effects. Pop-rock most often refers to rock music, which is intended for a wide audience.
  • Folk Rock. This is a genre of rock music that uses folk motifs.
  • Punk rock. This genre contains rough and often non-professional, but expressive music, which is characterized by unpretentious and simple, but unexpected melodies.
  • Psychedelic Rock. Untraditional, complex music, which is full of a variety of effects. Characterized by a high level of emotional impact on the listener.
  • Heavy Metal. Sharp music, is characterized by disharmoniousness. Deviates from the usual standards of rock music.
  • Trash. This genre is characterized by the complexity and continuity of the motive.
  • Rap. As a genre, rap comes from dance music. Its distinctive features are the complex experiments with percussion, uneven rhythm, and the presence of looping. The main instruments are drums and bass, which are solo. Often the scratch effect is used – the screeching of the vinyl record.